@SW7_Cab @taximan2002 here we go again & again & again 😂😂😂
"Car service"
"Yeah can I order a minicab, I've got 200kg of cocaine to take somewhere"
#London #mayor Boris Johnson wants to limit minicab numbers and rid the west end of rickshaws
WHOOPS!!! Mega slip-up from BBC TV presenter! Says VD day instead of VE Day
Smashing personal bests all over the place. Tricep dips x9 with 30kg added weight! Followed by 5x30kg, 8x25kg, 8x20kg
Got my 5 reps at 220kg on the deadlifts. Felt very strong today, carb input working. Back more arch than I wanted tho
Quit fooling about with sissy tricep kick-backs, get some weighted dips done! 5x25kg bodyweight 94kg
When 900 years old you reach
Chewbacca cry pmsl
The Stormcab is on his way in
Switched to Sumo style deadlifts today for my 210kgs, and my back is much straighter. Won’t go back now
So, I just did 5 reps at 170kg on the squats….as you do.
A case of diet soft drinks leading to diabetes. BBC News Quiz podcast
…and this is how it should sound
@warnsy68 @Pete_Cee @CabbieLDN
Oh well 260kg deadlift didn’t happen. 220kg went up easily, but 260kg felt like it was cemented to the ground
Hahaha, has to be done when this song comes on
£120 powerlifting shoes and leg wraps this time - I finally got my 5x165kg squats. Very happy bunny
Tried some "good mornings" for the first time. 5x10 60kg no problem. Properly hammers your lower back #sgt
OMG Eye of The Tiger is the easiest song in the world to learn on guitar. Didn't realise there isn't even a solo
Rockin' out song Eye Of The Tiger pmsl
@DizzyCab done! LMAO!
Great safety taxi advice from Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory lol
Watch this 3 hit flying kick from Police Story 2 - WOW!

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I am part photographer, part video maker, part guitarist, and part cab driver;

web www.stormcab.com/


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