My favourite news story of the year... purely for the photo! I can't stop looking at it and smiling!
I'm really liking Emily... why are more people not like Emily?
Really @virginmedia!?! No TV or broadband until nearly 5pm tomorrow... what are you doing to me 😫😫😫
@tweetwizzo thanks Paul, you know me far too well... just polished these off 😁
And then I come home and put these straight on...
@lynnl26 so first it was Paul with the guinea pig, now Brett's interfering with the dog
@asher_prince89 snap!
The douche with Dre headphones has his music on so loud there's 5 of us who have had to turn our own iPods up louder!
So it seems iPad wankers aren't just confined to Florida!
@tweetwizzo I think a chin strap is needed to keep it on properly... maybe I should start a pig hat business!
112 years ago today, one of my idols was born #happybirthdaywaltdisney
The hardcore - 10hrs on!! @milkyjoe75 @ShelbyTurner @Benjii7 @looopygrl @colonelweasel (and me but I took the photo!)
Massive fire in the Dagenham area, hope everyone gets home ok!!
Good morning Monday!! Nice to see you
Ooh, it's looking hot hot hot in Orlando for next week! And only 30-40% chance of rain and storms... can't be bad!!
Correction, it's a straw bale and I'm now waiting for the Tremeloes. There is still sun and beer though! #stilllivingthedream
@lynnl26 @tweetwizzo @milkyjoe75 if we can't get any more, it may be this beauty instead (complete with floaters)
@tweetwizzo @milkyjoe75 this doesn't quite do her justice...
A vision of such grace and beauty! @looopygrl @colonelweasel
@SleepyCommuters Jeans with crocs, perfect summer outfit!
That's a shame, I thought they'd at least leave a couple overnight...
Happy Star Wars Day! #MayTheFourthBeWithYou
(Today's a good excuse to yet again share one of my favourite pics ever!)

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Disney crazy, obsessed with dogs, but overall pretty normal... ish


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