In honor of the @TeamMarcoNV song of the day... #NVforMarco #TeamMarco #winwinwinnomatterwhat #EarnIt
.@ALostSpaceman and I were on @TelemundoLV!!! Love it @AdrianaGuzmanTV! Muy divertido!
#POTUS agrees he hasn't done anything right in the last 7 years? #60Minutes #GOP
Anyone else in #LASVEGAS witnessing this hail?!
Can you play #spoons? This guy can! #margaritaking #LasVegas #downtownpodcast
#VirginiaCity time-lapse tour! #homemeansnevada
Time lapse #video of @DowntownPodcast!!!! #downtownLV #nevada #fashion #humor #jokes #fun
@ALostSpaceman a student gave me these and since I can’t eat them she said they’re for you…
Sonia Seelinger singing @DowntownPodcast great job! Loved original  “tongue tied”. #singersongwriter #downtownpodcast
Who doesn’t like #steampunk rap. #DowntownPodcast
VIDEO: The crowd @DowntownPodcast at the @scullery in #downtownLV #downtownpodcast
Playing For Keeps playing  @DowntownPodcast #newmusic #downtownLV #downtownpodcast
Almost Famous playing at @DowntownPodcast #amazzzzzzing
Great show tonight @DowntownPodcast!! Great energy in the room. #downtownlv #downtownpodcast
“The Swim” is the dance move I thought of too when he started playing this song …@alostspaceman #downtownpodcast

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