waldi for @mollybot @psychobiddy
mammals, set 2. now 4 sets of ornaments. weee
it's @j_strappe with a chicken. awwwwwwwww
LISA FRANK PARTY HAT!!! new york is awesome
..on a lazy river. it's the chocolay river, aka chocolate river because it's brown from all the tannins.
tiny house
.@j_strappe two large wood-paneled speakers that work just fine. for no extra cost! finally, we're functional hipsters.
derpy sorrel watercolor. lol cant do a smooth wash to save my life
no, @j_strappe, you can't save me now... save yourself...!!!!!!
please.. help me... sinking...
aaand on my last day at the cat clinic, I got a really badass battle wound. WOO!
.@mollybot there.
"dees seeds make the trees i climb up and poop in front of <3"
newspaper bliss
tepig wants to move w/you @mollybot
#badvegans  well, some asshole hunter killed this gal after season. and its a goddamn yearling.
@j_strappe look what I just found
dat. mpix. metallic. print.
yeah I think this is done.
@j_strappe i dunno if his colors are all right.. hard to tell from the photos :c not sure what his back looks like
look at this badass

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