Prepped & in the crockpot of tears and desolation. That monstrosity better work the way you bitches claim it will.
@carnivalhound @Kinotu @einfach_mich Fuck you with your romance novel tropes talk. Guess what I'm reading tonight!
Into work this a.m to see this desk waiting after missing 2 days for #SDCC.  Turned right around to go for coffee.
Okay, so this happened and it was hilarious. Granted, I was pretty drunk at the time.
Bitches can't handle the awesome of the Hellboy mask.
This is what comes from tipping your server at last call...when the drinks are promo-free. Love u, Spike TV! #SDCC
Spartacus booth never fails to deliver.
To the guy with the "Dead Girls Don't Say No" shirt?  Fuck you, dude. Fuck you very much. #SDCC.
George R.R. Martin getting interviewed at 1700 row right now! #SDCC
Strawberries, mango, blueberries and rehydrated almonds waiting on yoghurt. Mmmm. Breakfast!
Have saved 3 out of 5 bad bananas from a terrible fate for a coworker's goodbye potluck. Needs powdered sugar dusting?
I now have a new iPhone wallpaper of batman's butt:  “@io9: 10 Greatest Mentally Ill Superheroes”
The SDCC 2010 swag bag my 74 yr old mother will now be using as her "personal item" carry-on.
@einfach_mich So, this is Brienne?  I want to see some physique.
Surprise Breakfast Bao!!!! Mmmmmm.
Got news today that my Loki dog passed. This was her 11th year; phenomenal for a Dane. Went to sleep by a beaver dam.
Green beans and hamhocks, oh mah gawd! To be followed by apricot pie!  I am...undone.
Mami fell asleep after making dinner. Awwwww.
@Chele681 I am the worried 4 u.  @einfach_mich
PBS Great Performances at the Met is covering the opera "Nixon in China." Just so many levels of OMG.
Very faint but...DOUBLE RAINBOW!! All the WAY!  Go Oregon!
Text from my sister: "Crazy tattoo or crazy fan?"
1st Birthday thing for son of friend winding down with post-cake & bath naked time while dad steam cleans the carpet.

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