In 1987 I was smokin' fools in drag races
Shia LaBeouf naked (Sigur Rós' video)
Alexis another pic taken last night
Alexis, May 30th, 2012, HOT
Hannah tonight
Gorgeous Hannah
Joey & Alexis at Foxwoods this past weekend
Rex Ryan in the new Adam Sandler movie
New Anal Ring Toss kids are in!!
My passion woohoo who cares I already know the outcome #NFL
Alexis, last night, super hot stripper from
Oklahoma Sooners RJ Washington with the new face mask
Battle of the network stars lol Lee swann Joyce dewitt & Howard cosell
No Excuses - hit the gym pussy
Again #HBO sucks, same episode of Luck on both hd channels #TV
He's"s still on CNN #giants jersey CNN legal correspondent #superbowl
CNN legal correspondent in a #giants jersey thanks to @AntDerosa #superbowl
@medna on #NFL live talking Super Bowl
Super Bowl XIIII
Thanks for @jimmyTraina reminding me @HowardStern on Letterman tonight baba booey
This is why #HBO sucks, wtf HBO the same episode on 2 channels
Joey pic taken at Killington
Patriots at the podiums, awesome
monster attacks New Hampshire

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Meni / VIPStrippers

Manchester, NH

Booking strippers for bachelor parties, Patriots and Sooners fan. Football is KING. Howard Stern, Liquid Metal, & Opie and Anthony, and T-na



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