This beauty is now a member of my scarf collection! Thank you, @KimberWilliams!!
My new background!!! #WPS
@JuleeTurner is this BP's hoodie?
This big story on CFN made me smile! :)
And More boxes are still coming! #OCC
@LyndsAU @kristenwatson yep!
Love my new dining room layout!
Gizmo loves the side table in the living room.
Friend Thanksgiving was a success! And now the clean up!
My Christmas mantle! (I'm spray painting the black frame tomorrow! It'll be red!!)
@BlueEyedBride Our favorite Christmas song just came on my shuffle!
@LvdMoreThnCrrts Confession: this is SOOC! I just couldn't bring my fingers to edit it!
I've got my Arkansas gear on and ready to CALL. THOSE. HOGS!!!!!!!! #sevenhoursandcounting #SEC #WPS
Broke my key!!!!
@faithymay1 This is one of my pictures from that night during "With Everything".... The rest are on FB.
@JenniferGGreen @brooketurner @blueeyedbride I have a 430EX II, it swivels& turns. Creating a bounce flash. In this pic
Do we like this?
Ready for the Fall Festival!!
We've got her in Hog hats and buying Hog shirts now! @LaurenK611

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Whitney Molder


Wife, Children's Pastor, lover of Jesus, Razorback football, food, photography, blogging, cows, and awkward moments.



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