Proof, courtesy of Emma!
I have to live with this pair!
It's bedtime FFS!........
@Puddled_Pudding I found this in the Co-op the other day. I was excited.
Em's dinner, as per her request, I hasten to add.....   (  @justinecaul )
@_yollday I think this colour suits you better.... ;op @donna8167
@Maryann_Jo This was Esme. She died when she was about 20yo. x
@calumvs It's magic stuff! Here's our 15wk old niece - my SIL is also doing a grand job! #weepudding x
My WWF has been like this since last night :(
This is me! Lol! x
We have a rather strange child. Brought this worm an wood louse in to show us, and asked if she could keep them. Eerrrm, NO!
I am going to stop the cat getting jiggy with my blanket, then try and nap. He's making 'that' face. *shudders*
I have posted this before but seems appropriate now.....My mum on her wedding day, 43 years ago x @wombat37 #SundayPics
 @wombat37 Our beautiful girl made up one fifth of the guests at our very relaxed and tiny wedding, three years ago on 20.3.08 #SundayPics x
I arrived home from work to a zoo.....
@LucasBlack Yes. Stood on cover, it tipped, she fell approx 15ft into running water :(
You have no idea how happy I am to have found this guy!
@cjmillsnun Em has had me doing this....@tinatspoon1 @dnsnow There is so much more to do *cries*
Me as the penguin from the Wii fit plus game. Apparently.
@dnsnow @tinatspoon1 Stage one, setting.... *drums fingers in boredom* ;)
Em wants to do this.....*sighs*
@big_blue_wolf I have just applied this.... So not so much now thanks :)
@brookmansbakery She's amazing! Here she is....

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Gill Buchan


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