Trigger & control Sony A7s w the FS7 grip or other Lanc controllers w @movcam A7s Lanc adapter
Well @wamaddox @SonyPro_AP FS7 & @DJIGlobal  Ronin-M & a Light lens. front heavy but motors arent too fussed.
@phil_woodall presenting the @redrockmicro A7 cage / thumbwheel / remote cage thingy.   DO want
Been waiting for this! Rota-Tray Vari-ND Kit from @iRyanAvery in the @brighttangerine Misfit
Jeezuz you can spout any old bullshit on @tvsn and the great unwashed will swallow it
Of all michael palins adventures, this bit of 80 days is pure gold
Quick IR video test out my front door (720nm modded NEX-3N) Rokinon 12mm
@lettershome like this?
I backed Easygimbal on @kickstarter last year..  3 axis mount for gopro arrived today…
Marauder dead simple IR trigger. Still folds well for travel
A completely appropriate waste of my time & talent..
The @Blackmagic_News Ursa camera.. That’s one big monitor
Full frame interchangeable progress
@DogSchidtOptiks modded Voigtlander 40mm 1.4. Fastest 40 available for FF, awaiting a full frame home
Ahh brand new Pair of MDR-V6's with Remote audio straight cable mod and Auray Velour pads Mmmm
A plethora of MōVI ish things
Epic on the Faüxvi
Epic on the Faüxvi
@SmallHD DP7 High Brightness in da house! Outstanding.
@DogSchidtOptiks presume this is that
Gopro Hero 3+ at JB Hifi
Sydney camera markets on this morning in Ultimo.
Though can't help seeing a similarity.
My latte art is improving..

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Jason Wingrove

Sydney Australia

Sydney Film / TVC Director



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