I wonder how many people have already posted this (non-spoilery) Gilmore Girls Hamilton clip for @Lin_Manuel
@jfruh my first election or two had punchcards. Ever since then mine have looked like this:
Looks like I got this done just as the journal finally reappeared on the show! #Supernatural
When Wray parties in the @ConManSeries Game, I imagine people in Freeman shirts yelling at folks to keep moving.
@ConManSeries speaking of Everyplay, been getting this on the load screen all day. No updates in App Store.
@OzzyEl444 version 2.0 will have the texturing sculpted back in to it. This one was great for autographs though. :)
@TheOrlandoJones the fake Orlando Janes account struggle is real. #notevenallofthem
@reactor88 it can't even touch the next runner's hand until they're in the zone. Yellow arrow = start of zone.
@OzzyEl444 that one is darker, like the later seasons. But I've also done lighter, like the earlier seasons.
@OzzyEl444 sorry the delay. No shop currently, bad timing for order fulfillment. :) But here's one I have on hand.
Weird, no outrage over not holding hands over hearts during the anthem for these guys? #LoveforGabbyUSA #Olympics
@Omundson if you ever need someone to play you as a young man, I suggest @Miles_Teller
@NathanFillion my cat, Cedric #crazycatlady #hufflepuffkitty
@waywardnerd and, when it works/makes sense, I've started a license plate collection as well. :D
@waywardnerd I do something similar. I build/make props for autographs. :)
@Comfyjewels I'm sorta like these lyrics. I'm a one and done kind of deal. Only problem is I wasn't my one's one. ;)
I get to see the @NerdHQ Joss Whedon panel!! I cannot thank @wookiegirl75 enough! Seriously, there are no words.
I'm clearly having a horrible SDCC this year. But at least it's adorably horrible, by @PatrickBallest #DrHorrible
Finally remembering to post maybe the best commission ever! By the amazing @SilvaniArt #DrHorrible #Pluto #ChipnDale
Made a beeline for the @ConManSeries booth yesterday morning for a specific item, walked away with this. lol
Can't wait to be home from SDCC to see #Ghostbusters @Mattel
Happy 5th Frostiversary @Frost_Cupcake !! This is my year for that bike, I can feel it. lol
@BrixtonMatt I have a friend doing the naked bike ride. This is her outfit. :D

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Bay Area, CA aka Paradise

Geek, toy collector, ummmm...yeah, that pretty much sums it up.


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