Unpacking some new tools for upcoming tech cohort at #brocku this fall @crutherford #brocktechies
@Grade1 I got you a present!!:) i have a feeling you'll find a great use for these!
My view... Im on my own now.. Thought this might look familiar-
Pencasted grandma's backstory -her memories 'first day of school after desegregation'  This pic one pultzer prize
Hey! Jacks new sweater!
Got you a present!!
In louisville Kentucky- amazed that the daffodils are already in full bloom.
Wendy's restroom- this sign hilarious- how quotations changed intended meaning.
Looking for signs of spring in #hamont and this is NOT one of them- but love it!
great photo opp->"open source everything" sign posted downtown Hamilton  @thecleversheep #hamont
Hey! Did you have a good weekend?
Funny pic! We had to cut a hole in door for cats (dog wants to chew on them) Stewie got head stuck this am.@pipe72
BridgeBasher app - create and test your bridge! Awesome! Would work well during structures unit.
@royanlee - your nunna misses you (we all do) :)
Incredible ignite session going on at #brocktech11 #brocktechies
D @thecleversheep
At Franklin institute #educon welcome reception. Picture of @brendasherry  @msjweir  @thecleversheep,
@msjweir here we are
At the SLA!    #educon
Students at SLA experimenting with paramecium..  #educon
@jdeyenberg and her class are skyping the world for 24 hours.. Here they are in their PJ's!
Neat. Teacher skypes my class. Shares his screen. Uses his smartbard/doc cam to review a math concept.
A great site for Arabic/English learners. http:iteslj.org/v/mm-ask_for_people.HTML
Ice fishing in southern Ontario at Hamilton harbour.
Ok friends. I did it. I made sushi. I also taught perseverence to my boy. My back hurts and I am exausted. Next time we go out.

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Zoe Branigan-Pipe

iPhone: 43.271996,-79.864655

Progressive Educator, Instructional Technology Specialist; Always looking for innovative and engaging teaching methods; always learning.

web web.me.com/zpipe


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