On a Chicago Blues crawl with my Captain & close confederates...
The biggest surprise of day one at #WWCC. Let our powers combine... Earth!
Do you know where your child is tonight? Unfortunately I do...
Meat night in Chicago....
Wouldn't be Saturday without a visit to Mr. Sonley...
Wow... This was on the wall as part of the rogues gallery!
So ring a ding ding...
Francis Albert sat here...
At Frank Sinatra's House in Palm Springs...  The Chairman's Pool. 
A mountain of desert goodness...
We killed it...
Good morning from the desert, Y'all...
Mmmmm good...!
Spoils of War...
Deals galore... 
@saadventures You will LOVE it! I did...
Three Amigos...
Rockin' my @heydayfootwear today...! #bydhttmwfi
Lamb Chops w/ginger and coriander...
Tandoori Ocean Prawns... Yeah baby!
Ohhh baby...!!! #bydhttmwfi 
To start: King Prawns in hot garlic & chill olive oil w/lemon and herbs...

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LeVar Burton

Los Angeles, CA

Actor, Director, Educator

web levarburton.com


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