So. Many. Nerds. And #nerdcon is just beginning to fill up.
Stopped for lunch at a place that specializes in yak.

Tempted, but I had a salad.
Dang. I'm getting boycotted again. #cvg2015
Nice sign #cvg2015
It's like snoooooow on your wedding day…I don't think my daughter's ceremony will be outside.
Zack Mensinger begins!
Claire & Calvin warm up the audience!
Zack has packed the venue with his students, I think.
See? Filling up fast, better get here quick.
My students are all counting flies this week, & I'm not. Which means lab is really boring for me.
Morning in LA. Sunshine & Scientology.
Hanging out with my little boy.
Getting ready at the Trades Club. Bar in the back!
Lunch at #cvg2014 #skepchickcon
At Science Museum of Minnesota, watching the uprooted forests floating downstream.
Big turnout at tonight's Cafe Scientifique…about 50 and more coming all the time, all to hear about bee foraging.
We are taking the Celestial Seasonings tour. FREE TEA!
Here be mountains.
Got it.  @drskyskull, you can use this to explain wave/matter physics now. #paradigm2013 Behold Nummo!
We're at the Mr Paul Aints game! Yay!
I'm supposed to push these. I am most emphatically NOT a fan.
Many experiences can't be conveyed in chalk.
Sushi time! #skepchickcon #cvg2013
Now at the ask a scientist panel. #skepchickcon #cvg2013

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