News: MobyNowLite – integrate your social media in your own web properties

Written by Mathys van Abbe on July 12th 2010 at 17:11 UTC.

Last week the first MobyNowLite profile was launched.

MobyNowLite enables our users to seamlessly integrate branding and (corporate) communications into their social media. This means you can direct your target audience to your own web environment directly by using Mobypicture.

What it does:
1. you get a brandable version of your Moby pages (item and user)
you can adjust the header, add a background and fully customize the colors and fonts.

Screen shot 2010 07 12 at 3.43.35 PM MobyNowLite   integrate your social media in your own web properties

2. you can add a media stream from a selected group (#hashtag based)

Screen shot 2010 07 12 at 2.21.33 PM MobyNowLite   integrate your social media in your own web properties

3. you can add your own tweets

Screen shot 2010 07 12 at 2.19.59 PM MobyNowLite   integrate your social media in your own web properties

4. or you can add a Twitter search stream

5. you can add a feed (from your blog or any other source) + a read more link to your site

Screen shot 2010 07 12 at 2.19.49 PM MobyNowLite   integrate your social media in your own web properties

6. you can add your own banners (optional)

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7. you can add a favicon

Screen shot 2010 07 12 at 3.46.39 PM MobyNowLite   integrate your social media in your own web properties

8. the header can be made clickable to your own website

The first MobyNowLite account was launched one for the Dutch Field Hockey Team.

We are giving away 10 year subscriptions to the best blogposts about this new product.
Just write a small review about this new possibility and link to this post.

The 25th of July we’ll decide which bloggers/media will receive a free MobyNowLite account!