Inseparable poodle puppy love!
Seersucker suits, cotton boutenaires,SC themed bowties, Plantation Singers #specialladywedding
#OBX ...again.
Just moved #Irene to my home screen so I can more readily obsess.
Last night before the last year. No wonder I feel so weird. She's a senior! #2012 #whatsforlunch?
Water balloons = sensory explosion! #magicsparks
@robinshuler Thought you'd like this. If not, your husband will.  @gilshulerdesign
Wake up #chs' the sky is on fire!
Rainbow Falls #Waterfallhunt11
No more #stinkyboys
Rainbow Falls #Waterfallhunt11
No more #stinkyboys
After a quick & wonderful escape to #BotanyBay, it's the summer breakfast of champions: Tomato Pie! #LPCSA.
Looks like I can drive my car down the trail instead of hiking.
Game Over.#doggang
The coaching staff is a motley crue. #doggang
I guess we are the Peacocks. #doggang
These #strangers just don't get it. #doggang #randomboyfriend
This pitcher has two balls. #doggang #spearman
Some refs are a little more particular than others #steeerike! #terrysutton #doggang
The pink bat is a winner! #doggang
Illegal activity on first base. #doggang
This is gonna be a #doggonefrogstompin'
Good day #CHS!
@robinshuler Here is the answer to your hot flash prayers! #menopause #estrogen #transdermal #sydowrama

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Kristin Zeaser-Sydow

iPhone: 32.848145,-79.835472

Happy Camper


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