Southern California desert midnight monsoon.
And ♡
Most awesome tale ever. Screw fairy tales this is how shit should go down :)
It's the truth!! 
See picture :)
Oh yeah, that's  @AllieThrasherrr and I above the Hollywood sign 
Happy Independence Day! The 4th of July is my favorite holiday! Have fun and be safe friends!
Shelby is doing great! She's such a lovebug, & she loves her carrier! My aunt & uncle gave me their old 1:)
Here's a picture for ya. I thought it was fun! ♡
Also  @OliverPigott @LuxOpus @sebastianpigott @manikhaira
New baby Thrasher :)
@allierthrasher Aunt Karen, Jon & Bri found a yorkie wandering their neighborhood last night. Didn't find the owner, let me adopt her!
Haha hahaha. ☻
Auntie time!
Live my little Daniel!
My sweet baby nephew watching @lukasrossi videos on socialcam!
Daniel loves @lukasrossi he is smiling & laughing!
Happy Nurses' week!!
Tuesday night, no work, evening to myself. Got my chocolate martini, music loud, gonna dance, houseclean & drink!
Had to pass this along. It gave me a giggle :)
Cause we really need a drink at work today! 
Grocery shopping on my way home from work. I saw ketchup flavored potato chips. Reminded me of everyone's favorite Canadian  @lukasrossi :)
Office humor. 
Gosh I love my co workers. 
This is how we stay sane ;)
I will, and extra kisses on his fat little cheeks too! I think I'm about to conk out for the night. Thanks for talking.

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