My bestie, @GabeDeluna is ignoring me today so he can read the Guinness Book of World Records. *Sigh Asshole:)
My hair before straightening when it's brushed out and after its straight (just the front is, but still).
Lololololololololololololol. @_melaniebbyx3
I'm the only one awake in 3rd! You can't see the rest of the class 'cause I don't want Kantor to see, but still! LOL.
Lol, but I'm not Filipino.... :)
I totally love this picture. Omg. Why can't I always look like that? Lol.
I give my Lizzikins a word of the day so she can broaden her vocabulary. :)
Twitter likes to notify me over and over that @kristynbaquera is following me like it's something new. Lol.
And this is why I love my therapist and he has my approval to marry my best friend. :)
Oh, guess whose initials I see... (Miss the Pimpin' part!) @_honeyshome
Well, gee, this guy knows how to make my day. That was totally random!
Omg, I look high! Freaking Xavier made me blink. Haha. I love Tyrin! Favorite!
Get outta here with this shit. Woooow. Course it has over 100 likes. It's that generic shit. Laaaaame!
Lol, I have too much fun with this.
I was totally playing.... LOL. Fucking dumbass.
When I get bored, I buy cases for my phone. I have three more in the mail.
LOLOLOL, one of my brother's passed oooout!
Big brother's phone is a tweaker and says "SOS." HAHAHAHA.
What. The. Hell.
It was 90 degrees yesterday, now it's POURING rain.
Pretty much.
I love my big brother. (the whole argument was over my freaking map on my phone 'cause he has too much pride to listen)

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I would say something original, but then the rest of Twitter would be saying it and it would no longer be mine. @LupeFiasco is the definitio



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