I view this as a personal warning to get the fuck out of downtown Vegas by nightfall.
Ladies and gentlemen, a douche.
...And the back cover:
Enough with the silly beach reading, people. Time to nourish your mind:
Look, I'm not so hipster-averse that I can't admit that I desperately want this:
Seriously, people. Give me a fucking break.
I realize $250 isn't going to change anyone's life, but still: score one for "Obamacare".
I don't need to turn the volume on to know this is a ska band.
Celebrating my 4th with the brilliant and genteel @hodgman in #Ragnarok on Netflix. The dogs seem less impressed.
So I guess what you're trying to say is "stop it with the web surfing"?
This eagle just sits in a tree all day, making fart noises.
Me? Oh just chatting with Jake "The Snake" Roberts. You know how it is.
Look at Mt. Rushmore and try and tell me it doesn't look like Lincoln farted in an elevator.
"It's called frozen yogurt, bub. My skeleton is laced with the stuff." #discountwolverine
Not sure what's more depressing: all roads leading to prostitution or all roads leading to F&F6.
Yo @keithmalley, I was investigating a bad smell in my DVD cabinet (60% sure it was the dead mouse). @chemda #KATG
Beach time. #intellectual
Miami Beach in a nutshell.
For the guy who wants to make it REALLY CLEAR that his love of pink doesn't mean he's gay...
BOSTON: Lest you think me a liar! Free DVD taping tonight at @The_Wilbur! 7 & 9:30pm! theblacklistnyc.com/Christian
Hey look, it's Latino Billy Joel!

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Christian Finnegan

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