Lookie a rainbow
Lookie a rainbow
#nowplaying ♬ 'Sex Room' - Ludacris & Trey Songz ♪
Service keep going in and out   @IamChristyle.
What's really going on
@LarryNoCableGuy fuck yes it's over 300. Take a guess
Dinner! My 1st time eating #mazzios pizza thx to  @MsSwaggtastic
What should I do?
I use wanna know why!! I know she feel this cold air blowing on her ass. Nasty self
This nigga. Good lawd!!! That ass ugh
Let me set this crude control
Fuck a state trooper
The Mississippi delta so damn flat
Ready to ride
He so worried bout becoming a daddy he went to sleep
Damn I have missed 15 text messages tweeting. When people text me ion even read them. Twitter over text messages
@THE_NERD_SAYS. Is this you  #FedTheChildren
Nigga flavored noodles
@MsSwaggtastic I just fucked up. Look at what I did. Fa got to put the shit on the truck. #FML
#WrongSongsToPlayInPrison ♬ 'Sex Room' - Ludacris & Trey Songz ♪
#WrongSongsToPlayInPrison ♬ 'Panty Droppa
#WrongSongsToPlayInPrison ♬ 'Is You Wet Yet? (feat. Dorrough)' - Level ♪
My co worker sleep

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Don't let affection give you an infection, put some protection on that erection. # teamvirgo #teamfollowback #teamapple #pmessenger DA4F0AC9 #teamiPhone4. #team


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