Take her to the world #EveningPrimrose
She remembers sky #EveningPrimrose
Frightening mannequins of the One Stop Kids Shop
He googled this. Turns to me and says. “Can you vomit?”
Because there are two dimensional cupcakes?
New pleasure reading and maybe research for a piece. But mostly pleasure.
My life story, mais cher.
I am turning this weekend around with a burger and some serious shadow lighting
Extremely excited about this purchase
Until Lafayette gets an Au Bon Pain, I will have New York :)
This is what Cara and Marc have spent the last 15 minutes doing: coloring a chili
Best I could snag
Best I could snag
When the hubby dresses me, he dresses me like someone's suburban dad. Never hav to worry about being Metrosexual
It's a hat day :)
@davidbadash and this is my bro Buddy
@davidbadash this is Foxxy
@thatspeaker my fortune tonight. Thanks for the nudge in that Direction
Fortune worth reading
Snack and coffee with the beau at Whole Foods.
Sunday drive
Ah camo jacket. Theatre hetero transformation begins.
Butter that has seen Wagner's Ring Cycle.
Fun accidental text conversation just now

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Cody Daigle

Lafayette, La.

Writer for the Times of Acadiana. Gay blogger. Playwright. I love politics, pop culture, strong opinions, and well-told stories.

web www.timesofacadiana.com


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