His day is made. He got to not only see Bumblebee (a transformer) but got a picture by it!
@nickhoss Atwoods treats!
Completed Bubble Pizza! It is really good!
Boys and their toys! Called him a redneck and he said, "nope, I'm a green-neck!"
Boys and their toys! Called him a redneck and he said, "nope, I'm a green-neck!"
Looks like we're setup 4 some noise! Be weather aware! Tornado watch n effect till 10 pm/T-storm warning till 7 pm
This one is supposed to be good but I'd like a trial run before spending $10
I have the 4 app but use myCast. It has decent data. Here's a pic
High School band
7th grade band
6th grade band!
It is the Pro HDR app with the sunset background in this photo
I'm trying to find a good watermark app. Can you read or see the one in this photo?
Here's the current return

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David Bracher

Wynnewood, OK

Jesus Follower, Husband, Daddy, Lead Worshiper, KF5CNQ,Technology, Show mercy to people who have doubts.Take others out of the fire. Jude 22

web www.davidbracher.com


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