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The dogs are getting sleepy
This little pup is out cold.
@hobsonlauren I feel the same way
@MichaeltB_ under boob is always sex as hell. Except this one
Guy or Girl?
Choose wisely or you may be wrong haha
Hands down the most dangerous driver in #Nashville
This old man is all over the place, driving slow, running lights, and no signals.
@SaraBeatty10 just get a puppy
A bad idea or natural selection at work?
Guys peace dont ever carry your phone this way. In your wait band under your shirt fine, showing it makes you look feminine as hell
This is certainly NOT a feature you want to watch on a low budget porn movie
"Booster Caps" for retinal use. 
Whoa whoa whoa so they don't go up (external use only) your butt??? Oops!
Found this in an associates drawer today. Are you shitting me people? Not the time or the place for this type of reading
It looks like it is the time of the month for my luffa. (Heavy times)

Oh you know what I mean, getting a new one
I can't wait for a day to go back to KY to see the newest edition to our family.
I just burnt some skin off the roof of my mouth, again. I never wait for food to cool off, it's just too delicious
We have another puppy in the family #TheSadler's
In my quest to find the Miami #Heat game online I found this wonder block of TV.  Bahaha ahaha gross.
Every time I goto to the ATM this is the screen. Can we get more ATMs and less tube lanes, no one uses the tube stuff anymore.
The problem with socialism is eventually you are going to run out if other people's money.
Best kids play area ever. You might as well just throw some rusty nails back there while you are at it. #PepBoys
This is how dumb Americans can be.
@jimmyfallon you better do the Hitler on this next shave

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