#HoneymoonSalad ch4: LOL! There was a whole lot of "not finishing" in this chapter. #manga
14 Aug 2011 12:24

#HoneymoonSalad ch4: LOL! There was a whole lot of "not finishing" in this chapter. #manga 

What the f*ck?! He finished. He didn't finish. The phone's off the hook.
There are boot prints on the front door. It hurts her. He flips her over,
it STILL looks painful, which should be a good thing. No one is satisfied.
Dark Saito is at the door. She's horny. Then she leaves... What the
fudge?! How do you have hot random crazy chick sex and nut bust ...I mean
NOT bust! Damn it! And how do you have a hot chick in your apartment and
not close even after she says she's turned on?! Whats?! WHat?!

I'm sure there was interesting story and characterization in this one, I'm
just can't see because of the massive blue balls obstructing my view.

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#HoneymoonSalad ch3: I'm not sure what happened, but that was some crazy hot sex! The emphasis on crazy. #manga #HoneymoonSalad ch4: LOL! There was a whole lot of "not finishing" in this chapter. #manga #MyLovelyGhostKanga ch7: wait, did the main character just get hit by a car? Damn you Japanese cars! You kill everything good and innocent! #manga
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