#BloodC ep6: "NOOOO! NoNo NO!!!" This episode ROCKED! It's starting to live up to its lineage. #anime
22 Aug 2011 06:57

#BloodC ep6: "NOOOO! NoNo NO!!!" This episode ROCKED! It's starting to live up to its lineage. #anime 

BOTH TWINS. Wow. Maybe someone saw it coming, but I didn't. It's all
falling apart now. First, NeNe gets the Mami Tomoe treatment with the head
munching treatment, then EVERYTHING breaks down. School couldn't be
dismissed quickly enough to lower the rapidly rising body count. It was
really weird seeing that beast pop out of NoNo. It may be the first thing I
can really grasp onto since the beginning of the series, as far as hints go
into what's really going on in this town. Did the creature merely possess
her (how? when?) or did it come out of her? NeNe won't be able to tell us
because she was sacrificed to take down that thing. It was pretty easily
the most fearsome beast I've seen coming out of the show so far, too.

What possesses these wholly random looking, but vicious monsters to just pop
up and eat these people? What the f*ck is going on? I think I'll save the
rest of my thoughts for the upcoming blog post I have for this show. I'll
just say that if this keeps ratcheting up the intensity like this we're
going to have a very interesting and fun episode. The gloves appear to be

P.S. That f*cking cat-dog thing talks now. I knew it wasn't ordinary.
It's too damn creepy. The thing NEVER blinks! That's evil by itself.

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GEEZUS MARY WARBLES!! That thing just doesn't give a f*ck! #BloodC #BloodC ep6: "NOOOO! NoNo NO!!!" This episode ROCKED! It's starting to live up to its lineage. #anime #Dantalian ep4: this episode takes "Misery" to a new level. Huey will have nightmares after this. #anime
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