#BloodC ep9: it is abundantly clear that Saya cannot protect anyone. Now. What's the point? #anime
12 Sep 2011 03:02

#BloodC ep9: it is abundantly clear that Saya cannot protect anyone. Now. What's the point? #anime 

Holy sh*t! Did you see that body count?! I have to give this show some
credit for monster design at the very least. The violence was magnificent!
I got the screenshots to prove it. Too bad there were so many frustrating
moments that went along with it. Just like last episode I got incredibly
frustrated with Saya's inconvenient headaches. Half the kills were allowed
because of them, the other half were allowed by Saya's inexplicable ability
to just not move during key moments. Last episode several classmates died
as she just stood there staring and slackjawed. This episode someone died
just because she was slow to get out of the doorway. Now that I think about
it, why the hell did he classmates run UP the stairs? Some of this sh*t is
too stupid to swallow.

In the end, she got her kill and went home... or teleported. She's asking
the right questions now, but it's more a matter of her figuring out what the
hell's going on. I'm getting the feeling that the show will be very close
to over once she regains her memory. There's probably a lot of bullsh*t in
there to clear out.

Something is very wrong, but I can't quite point it out. Saya is obviously
in some sort of altered setting, but I'm not sure about the how, the what or
the why. Aside from there possibly being a bet or challenge based on her
promise everything is just vaguely off.

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#Dantalian ep9: that was really entertaining and beautiful. Not Episode of the Year material, but maybe a personal fave. #anime #BloodC ep9: it is abundantly clear that Saya cannot protect anyone. Now. What's the point? #anime #BlackLagoon ep4: Uber Nazis?! Are you kidding me? #anime
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