#BreakBlade ep3: Cleo is just the cutest lil' berserker you've ever seen doncha know? #anime
17 Sep 2011 19:17

#BreakBlade ep3: Cleo is just the cutest lil' berserker you've ever seen doncha know? #anime 

Uh... yeah, this episode was pretty f*cking awesome. All except for
about the last 15 or so minutes which devolved into some pretty
retarded territory. I would have gone into full rage mode if Sigyn's
gun had been loaded.

Now back to the combat. Oh that was nice. Time's like this I really
feel at home watching mecha. It had to be intimidating as hell seeing
Rygart charge at them full speed and utterly smash one of their own in
a single pass. Even more impressive is how he overrode the
auto-stabilization to bounce off his claymore and save his ass. Nice!
I really thought Zess was dead, too. But at the very least it looks
like he won't be seeing combat again. I saw Erekt's face. I know
what it means.

I found Cleo equal parts awesome and annoying in this episode. She
went nuts, two touched Rygart and knocked him out. Boom! She even
pulled the classic maneuver of using one of the enemy's own as a "meat
shield", though I don't know what you would call it if you're using a
Golem. I suppose it's just a shield, or perhaps hostage.

I just wish I didn't have to see her cute, but silly ass get so easily
brainwashed by her nation's propaganda and her own hate. And I still
don't believe she's twelve. BULLSH*T! Even for anime that's too well


Regardless, this episode was a whole lot of fun. But we've just been
watching skirmishes the whole time. Apparently, the war as a whole
will be visiting this series. And I'm greatly looking forward to it.
We got a potentially murderous, traitorous psycho pilot joining the
campaign, along with a veteran strategist to compliment this massive
influx of troops and mecha. Oh boy! I can't wait!

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Hip-Hop, Jazz, Anime, Gadgets & Tech. If you give a d@mn about any of this I'm game.

#BreakBlade ep2: boy, who didn't screw up this episode? Pure pacifist fail. #anime #BreakBlade ep3: Cleo is just the cutest lil' berserker you've ever seen doncha know? #anime Did I say I hate Ari's wife?  Not from this angle I don't.  #Entourage #CougarHunter
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