#BreakBlade ep5: worst g0ddam day, ever. #anime
3 Jan 2012 22:47

#BreakBlade ep5: worst g0ddam day, ever. #anime 

This movie was just one collossal, bullheaded mistake. A simple
detour by Borcuse initiated a series of events that got a number of
talented pilots and valuable golems killed and destroyed. If this
country had a real military they'd eventually shoot Rygart. That's
how bad his mistake was in the end.

I did get to enjoy a fantastic series of duels, but all of this was
pretty much a waste as far as anyone's progress goes in the story. I
suppose that will be the eventual point of these movies. I'm sad to
see Girghe go. I'm happy to see Nike get the boog (har har, I made a
funny). And I think Narvi is going to get a hell of a lot of bad news
before the final battle once it's revealed that her mentor and brother
are dead.

This was a very good, but sobering episode coming off of the high I
got from the fourth installment.

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