#Durarara ep12: I can't tell what the theme of this series is yet.  I know it's love, but what kind exactly. #anime
28 Mar 2010 03:36

#Durarara ep12: I can't tell what the theme of this series is yet. I know it's love, but what kind exactly. #anime 

Yeah, when things got more familiar, things got more complicated. Strangely after the last episode, things go back to normal. It was like a snow globe. It was shaken, but all the preexisting flakes eventually fall back to their base of normalcy. It's just a matter of where they end up after they've been stirred. And that's what makes things so strange. After the events of the first half of this show, the pieces that were close to each other are even closer now. This show continues to keep me interested and off balance.

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#VampireBund ep10: as twisted as it is, I like the set-up for this ep. There're a dozen reasons for Akira to win. #anime #Durarara ep12: I can't tell what the theme of this series is yet.  I know it's love, but what kind exactly. #anime RT @Black_Reaper201 Weird Porn is the best porn =P <=is that so? This porn, too?
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