#YosuganoSora ep9: I know there was a plot, but all I remember is the yukata disappearing and her pressed against a tree!  #pervy #anime
19 Dec 2010 06:38

#YosuganoSora ep9: I know there was a plot, but all I remember is the yukata disappearing and her pressed against a tree! #pervy #anime 

LOLOLOLOLOLOL! This had to be one of the most unintentionally funny episodes I saw all year. I actually liked how the episode concluded. It was sweet... until Nao started sliding her fingers in Haruka's mouth, which apparently was code for "Falcon punch me into a tree so you can mount me like a USB dongle". I also had to laugh at that moment where a smoking (literally) Nao desperately hands Sora her damn stuffed animal back. I had a ghetto moment when she jumped into that burning shed.

"Bitch! Is you crazy?!"

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#OtomeYoukaiZakuro ep9: far from my fave ep, it did serve the purpose of exposing the flaws in all 3 relationships. #anime #YosuganoSora ep9: I know there was a plot, but all I remember is the yukata disappearing and her pressed against a tree!  #pervy #anime #YosuganoSora ep9 OMAKE: Why is Aki's head so damn big?! These are honestly the best part of that show.
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