#DreameaterMerry ep5: well, this certainly upped the intensity.  Guess what you've really been doing all this time? #anime
11 Feb 2011 17:35

#DreameaterMerry ep5: well, this certainly upped the intensity. Guess what you've really been doing all this time? #anime 

I can't say that this episode really explained that much, but it did give me a
few things to think about. Apparently that vengeful Muma front he previous
episode had a loved one that never returned from reality, and she's blaming a
guy named Pharos and the Muma under him for it. I'm guessing that masked guy
named "John Doe" from the first episode may actually be Pharos, but I don't have
much to base that on for the moment.

It was a bit of a Earth shattering moment for Merry to discover that she hasn't
been sending anyone back to the dream world, she's just been killing other mum a
for ten years. That's a bit of a shocker, for her at least. I never actually
thought she was doing anything less than killing them. Too bad her phasing out
inadvertently lead to Yumeji sacrificing himself to kill her. I don't believe
for a second that he's dead, but I am curious to see how the he'll he get out
of this.

NOTE: took me forever to finally get this posted. For some reason I really
liked this episode the second time through.

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#MadokaMagica ep3: it took me a month to come back to this.  Hell of a wake up call and an episode. #anime #DreameaterMerry ep5: well, this certainly upped the intensity.  Guess what you've really been doing all this time? #anime @andrea_chii here.  I don't know what it is, but I don't need it.  (boy, girl, trap?)
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