#Gosick ep10: as happy an ending I've seen this year.  *thumbs up* #anime
26 Mar 2011 07:47

#Gosick ep10: as happy an ending I've seen this year. *thumbs up* #anime 

I've fallen into a nice groove with this series. The first episode of this arc
was somewhat frustrating, but that's understandable. It was supposed to be that
way. This episode was the sweet payback. With a little sense from Victorique,
Kujo's usual perseverance and Grevil's manpower the barriers were stripped away
and everything was set right.

I've come to gain a healthy respect for Grevil and a better understanding of how
the team works from this arc. Before I was blinded by my rage at how Grevil
seemed to feed off of Victorique. But it's probably best that he gets all the
attention. She doesn't want any of it. And Kujo's the necessary linchpin that
keeps things working. It was all demonstrated in the first episode, but having
Victorique out of the way demonstrated its benefits a bit more. I wonder if any
of the characters from this arc are going to make a reappearance (not the ones
who went to jail, of course).

On a side note, that magician is back waltzing through the story line. It's
clear that Victorique's mother was in that chest. I just continue to wonder
what the hell they're doing together and what their purpose towards the
storyline is. End game Big Bad? Who knows? But I'm anxious to find out.

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