#Nanoha ep8: looks like Nanoha's been recruited. It must be nice to have anime parents who let you do what you want. #anime
27 Mar 2011 06:23

#Nanoha ep8: looks like Nanoha's been recruited. It must be nice to have anime parents who let you do what you want. #anime 

It's nice to get some information about those jewel seeds/Lost Logia now. So it
seems like each of those jewels is what remains from a
chaotic, hyper-evolved civilization. And of course each of those holds untold
amounts of power. Like the people from the Time-Space Bureau, I wonder what
Fate's mom could possibly be using those for. How does that stuff help her
reach the paradise she's mumbling about at the end of the episode?

Everything seems to be picking up a notch now that a third party had gotten
involved. I have no choice but to keep moving forward.

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#Nanoha ep7:  finally!  Hopefully Chrono can put an end to this pointless infighting among magical girls. #anime #Nanoha ep8: looks like Nanoha's been recruited. It must be nice to have anime parents who let you do what you want. #anime #Yuria100Shiki ch37: a completely wasted love confession.  I should've expected as much. #pervy #manga
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