Downtown Detroit.
On day we are on a beautiful deserted beach, the other in the cold and up to our ankles in shit.
Filming bulls which are a lot taller then we are. Intimidating animals and extremely dangerous.
On our way to Port Duron, we made a stop in Chicago. Nice city.
On the job in Wisconsin. Kieran, the cameraman on the roll.
At our arrival in Madison, USA.
Flying over northern Canada. Frozen sea. Beautiful sight.
On our way again. Next destination: Detroit, USA.
Drawing some sketches for a new animated short.
Filming in Friesland. Beautiful weather, but freezing cold. -14C
Deserted sand island in the middle of the ocean. Dolphins are right in front of me.
Okay, I do want to get back to work, but man what's Mozambique beautiful.
The local guard dog was of not much help...
Unfortunately smaller but very nasty insects where there in abundance as well...
Spotted some big game in Kruger national park...
Blide river canyon in South Africa. Stunning scenery.
Keeping the tradition alive. Bought the new Empire and I'm ready to move.
On the move again. Destination; South Africa and Mozambique.
Director or model? Well, I think I'll stick to being director...
Our producer Sien dropped by to say hello at our office.
It's hard work, believe me....No, really!!!
An other day at the office...
Picture time with Sien, the producer
Location scouting at a close to deserted beach in the Caribbean.

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Four Corners

Arnhem, The Netherlands

Managing partner / Director at Four Corners film & video productions.



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