We've got #GhostAdventures trending here!  Can St. Louis get a shout out now?  @Zak_Bagans @AaronGoodwin @NickGroff_
@AaronGoodwin, saw this pic and thought of you and your coffee addiction.
"Put your right foot in..."   @dfreese23
Hope you had an ass rocking good time for your birthday today @DjInfernoLV!
Saw this pic and thought of @DjInfernoLV
@Zak_Bagans ring a bell?
Bruise from running into a door a week ago. Scratch from another door today. Knowing that you repeatedly get your ass kicked by doors = priceless.
Didn't want to move and wake him up but wanted to head to bed. Laid on the couch for another 30 minutes. #spoiledcats
Unless you have one of these, you have NO right to complain about the state of the country.

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Lisa Elliott

St. Louis, MO

Student, designer of handmade cards and jewelry, C.O.O. of Glow2Go, trouble maker :)

web eladedesigns.webs.com


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