Tucker and Uncle Greg ready to watch the Seminoles scalp that pack of wolves from Nevada!!
Trucker showing some love in Seminole country on his morning ride today. Go Noles!! #gonoles #nothingrunslikeadeere
The deep joy I get from running far exceeds any superficial joy I felt biting into a cheeseburger.
Finished today's workout with low weight curl to failure. It looks easy but after 100+ reps the muscles speak to you.
Colossians 3:17 (ESV)
Inspired by Superman I've been working on my superhero skills. Caught a thrown empty weight bar mid flight!
This high tech redneck is remembering The Possum today. #fb
Just got schooled in #applestoapples twice by a 9 year old. The game's age limit is 12; he should have to forfeit!

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Greg Ramer


Embracing, spreading One's love. Dying daily.

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