Times like these I wish I worked as a valet.
We've got a little one doing the cat walk around the fountain keke
Ur missing out on this view! Come get ur lazy sundayzee at twentyone bsc y'all !
Jack had a face of with the cat. Jack lost and backed away. #fail
Frostyyy view from bangsar hill
Army boys are up next
I must say the game looks more emo with all the "raining" songs tht the dj is playing
There's a girl on the team! Wooot
A wink goodnite
Nowan wanna play tanglung with me :(
I smell fish crackers
Aiyahhhhh want to cubit her face! Mengada betul!
Hola! My name is mylo. I got a naise hotel in Kota damansara . M a bit busuk n need a bath :)
RT @Phuttz @GypsyQue3n Comel leh the little fella. > minum mylo jadi sihat dan kuat!
There's a beagle in my porch!
Have u ever seen the curve so empty? Nice...
Looks awesome, taste more awesome! Late lunch, yummmm ...
And Johnny is telling me to keep walking...
Why do polis bantuan need a frikin lancer to go about? Proton tak cukup power eh? Tau takpe!!
FML those morons closed the road!
@KLroadblock @kltraffic grid lock heading to parlimen. Why lah?!
Gorgeous ice latte on an afternoon like this. Mmmm....
Can't decide which to open and have
Working from/in the CCTV room! There's a show going on outside

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