Special startup treatment for @Boris today at #swAMS by Sharon Feigal
Project Balloonflower by @PeterJaap at #swAMS
Crowdspace - Kickstarter for building projects; students & home owners prepare yourselves! #swAMS
Crowdspace - Kickstarter for building projects; students & home owners prepare yourselves! #swAMS
First introduction with Groupon for the WasteMyTimer founder @francescomattia at #swAMS is a fact!
First introduction with Groupon for the WasteMyTimer founder @francescomattia at #swAMS is a fact!
After @digbyj's refreshment (pics),Pitch 30. @vanscheltinga is for the charity&the homeless #swAMS
At #swAMS @SalonBookerNL is hot tonight. So is the room. 43. Pitches and still counting. Will we get to 78 like in '11?
After @digbyj's refreshment/pics Pitch 30. @vanscheltinga is for the charity & the homeless #swAMS
Pitch 1. Match your sense of humor.... Brilliant, Pitch 2. Phone user platform, LSM Alumnus #1, Pitch 3. All sports
"We've cracked the entrepreneurial code." - @sgblank. It's a great honor to have you with us @Sbootcamp DemoDay!
Last up @Sbootcamp DemoDay: #Eigenta Impressed by your presentation. Thanks to @ron_belt for the best intro so far.
Matthijs presenting the new billing model; Pay per Use by @mipagar @Sbootcamp #heknowshisnumbers
Thomas Edison is remembered while @DoctorKinetic rediscovers the license to heal with remote self diagnosis @Sbootcamp
More great pitches @Sbootcamp by @localsensor Rob.
First after the break @IvoMinjauw presents a new team member and more... #signeddeals @Sbootcamp
Giving back to the eco-system; @patrickdezeeuw presents the Startup Package by @Sbootcamp
Compare stores geographically and track customer patterns.Huge acceleration of @viewsy in the past 3 months @Sbootcamp!
Eleanor is showing off a new area of online buying. Can you see the true potential of @Sbootcamp participant @Poikos?
Third @Sbootcamp presenter @Pablo_Valcarcel transformed from lawyer to gaming entrepreneur when he started @geosophers!
Phuong presenting for @Layergloss @Sbootcamp sharing her passion for design and technology
First @Sbootcamp stage is @yerbams "no longer people can hide from their responsibility in the market" #ScrapConnection
Her violin, so beautifully played, even silenced the cars. @DutchNatBallet
Her violin, so beautifully played, even silenced the cars. @DutchNatBallet

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Hannah Vera


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