Reminds self why I spent morning at the gym. #Sundaylunch
Love walking along totally empty #London #Sunday streets…
Sometimes an old (favourite) #recipe is the only way to start off the new year. 5spice and ginger steamed chicken it is
In answer to one of my own tweets, a Dachshund/Spaniel cross is called a Docker and looks pretty much like this…
And the other bit of Christmas based foresight I had when in blind panic that work would take over up to 24 Dec? Phew!
Though I can’t quite work out whether to laugh or cry a bit at this…
Christmas decorating…
The hurtlepuss has adopted one of @ruffers67 best b'day presents. Yes, that is a chest bursting Alien…
@tidynice have you come across this wonderous stuff? Amazing with cheese (obv why I though of you)…
Finally well enough to drink something other than
I made this… #cottagepie #SundayLunch #turnedoutwell #foodcoma
#Skyfall is very good. Even at a function with a sh**ty screen and people shouting “silly bitch” at every female actor.
Ok. I will admit I was skeptical. But this is the way to arrive to watch a #bond film #Skyfall
Ok. I will admit I was skeptical. But this is the way to arrive to watch a #bond film #Skyfall
People of SE London (and fans of random documentaries on NHK) - go and see this.  That is all.
People of SE London (and fans of random documentaries on NHK) - go and see this.  That is all.
@tidynice you don’t know fear until you wake up with a pyramid of fluffy cat toys on pillow (right next to your head).
My clients very rarely give presents…but when they do, they go big… #luckygirl #quiteasaturdaytea
The Hurtlepuss has pronounced the new cat danger is past. Normal service is resumed…
There is a new cat in the neighbourhood. The Hurtlepuss does not approve. She’s chased off twice. Now keeping watch.
@chefthymeplace you may have heard this already but @Egg_Boss? See attached (regular Sat lunch from @BrockleyMarket).
Autumn is officially here…first lamb shank of the season. Yum. #goodteaforarainynight
Lovely morning trip to @BrockleyMarket   Bright sunshine, bumped into @tiffyjmo and @Egg_Boss scotch eggs for lunch.
I can see today will be substantially about living up to one part of my twitter bio… #catcushion

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