Wonder why?
#TearsToYou 🍻 RT @AP BREAKING: GOP lawmakers: House Speaker John Boehner to step down end of October.
A visual representation of what's wrong with America: http://odinsblog.tumblr.com/post/129741670845/not-pictured-the-police
.@lannadelgrey Beyonce's a bad feminist for using the same Ronda Rousey line u applauded? #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen
RT @BRios82 "Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers." -George Carlin #ProtestPP
This ---> RT @JeffGohogs @redheadedlib22 ✌
3 UNARMED men stop the proverbial "bad guy w/a gun"...almost like the .@NRA is full of shit

RT @BRios82 #ThingsJesusNeverSaid We can't feed all these people. That would only create Dependency.
RT @jbrownedianis Young people can change the world. RIP Mr. Bond.
According to #SCOTUS a cop doesn't have to know the law, but YOU always do...

White "Liberals" angry with #BLM protesters pls read MLKjr's letter from Birmingham Jail: http://americawakiewakie.com/post/126446140678/first-i-must-confess-that-over-the-last-few
White "progressives" and "allies" who deride #BLM for protesting Bernie Sanders need to read: https://m.facebook.com/dominiquehazzard/posts/2778524262066
I s2g...racists be like:
@Johumphr OMG!!! OmgOmgOmg! FINALLY! I get to use the white tears meme today! Tyvm! PS: You're SUPER racist #blocked
@ExcelHoundDog Idk how to break this to you,but I'm black & lack the power to be truly racist..so um,try maybe again?
ALWAYS!!! RT @mikebrowncover #FergusonTaughtMe that women have ALWAYS been at the forefront of our movements.
@GetSocialAdept @KyleStrunk @WhitlockJason @Jon_Cocktosten @chinnywaslikee Lots of ARMED white ppl pointed LOADED guns at police, not one of them arrested
.@jeffdouglasmess as much as I hate throwing links at ppl across the internet, re: Martin O:  http://www.vox.com/2015/7/20/9003233/all-lives-matter-black
I hope #nerdland addresses .@SGRhoUpdates "statement"  (see attachment) to be silent on #SandyBland
.@SGRhoUpdates Seeing conflicting info here & ppl are being silent due 2 pictured post attributed 2 u? .@ShaunKing?
Hey .@CBS - do you have any REAL reporters who aren't ex-Fox "News" reporters for the White House? Or nah?
RT @AnnieVent #ThisIsACoup http://mobile.nytimes.com/blogs/krugman/2015/07/12/killing-the-european-project/?_r=1&referrer=
RT @AP BREAKING: NBC is ending its business relationship with Donald Trump after his comments about Latinos.
Listen, a house slave snitched on Denmark Vesey, so Mr. Edgerton comes as no surprise....also cc. @jeffdouglasmess

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