Feds knew about Doug Hughes (flew gyrocopter onto U.S. Capitol) last yr, but deemed him not bla- uh, not dangerous
"The Story of Bob and Race" #WhitePrivilege
(by Barry Deutsch) 

Wait...he isn't??? RT @bendreyfuss Everybody thinks Jeremy Piven is stoned all the time
.@tedcruz I need to see your notarized long form birth certificate that shows you were born a Canadian, unlike PBO
This over a fake id??? #racism RT @tilwegetthere If not us, then who?
If not now, then when?
Smdh ---> RT @SportsNation .@SportsCenter Pete Carroll logic!
#ChapelhillShooting was a "parking dispute" & Eric Garner was about "loose cigarettes"

Our corporate media SUCKS
co-signed ---> RT @dickfundy Miles Morales or get the fuck out.
@originalspin Slam?
Ok I was late to #nerdland but how did they discuss Iggy's "rap" without discussing her racist tweets tho? Hmm??
#SuperBowl Halftime: Here's a very important gif of Chris Christie falling off a chair

when people say, "its not about race, it's about class now"
@maiseyschmidt @keithboykin  and @SteveScalise.can't tell if he's pictured or not, voted against
RT @rcooley123 Florida Police Caught Using Photos of Black Men for Target Practice - Truthdig http://www.truthdig.com/eartotheground/item/florida_police_caught_real_photos_of_black_men_target_20150118
If King were alive today, he'd shut it down. 


Slam dunk --> RT @EricWolfson Best Modern President.

(Pic via @TheDailyEdge) #p2
Hm...I wonder, who will win at the #Oscars ???
Easily the most succinctly accurate bio of #MittRomney on the interwebs

Republicans are hypocrites!
"Solidarity is the mother's milk of social justice and progress"
@originalspin *raises one eyebrow* well now, if tHAT doesn't pique my interest then nothing will. I'll be watching ✊
For the "progressives" stricken with a bad case of respectability politics & bashing #Ferguson. Remember #Stonewall
EVER! RT @DarthShada #BlackTwitterStudyResults This guy can NEVER sit with us!
Darren Wilson: "innocent until proven guilty"

Mike Brown: guilty because walking while Black


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The Koch-WI Statehouse

Ima made man in the Koch Syndicate, BEYOTCH! You think I give a crap about your stinkin votes? Go on. Recall me. SUCKERS!


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