I'm having a girl drama moment!
28 Aug 2011 13:52

I'm having a girl drama moment! 

I'm having a girl drama moment! It is illegal for a women to show this, but I'm breaking the law. I threw away 5 trash bags and I still got a lot of junk! Now I have 2 more trash bags, and I still have a lot of junk! Where on earth a these things are coming from?! But today I will finish because I will! Only if I don't get distracted like I had like 10,986,764 times! Time to work! And time to behave like a women and not like a trashy man! By the way I need new clothes, because all of them are dark, only 2 light color. Also time to dress girly, and not like a tongue-boy!

I will show the after picture if I get a chance to paint my room the other Sunday or Monday.

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Living large, following my dreams,I'll live forever, you'll hear my name, and turn the impossible to possible!

OH MY GOD!!! I completely forgot I had this poster! One of my favorite pictures of H.I.M. Those who don't know H.I.M is a famous band from Finland. I'm having a girl drama moment! Look what I just found. Still not going there... sorry Iowa.
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