First promo shoot ever in which they have needed to make me TALLER #Countdown
9 May 2011 20:13

First promo shoot ever in which they have needed to make me TALLER #Countdown 

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posted by Elyzsabeth Ahne 10 May 2011 04:36

Ahrary--LOL! Funny!!

posted by Female Enlightenment 9 May 2011 20:44

Keith Olbermann No, no, they are elevating your body to the height of your mind! :-) #itsallinthephrasing

posted by Bruce 9 May 2011 20:36

BTW, use 'promotional' over 'promo.' I am awaiting to read, 'Oh-look, it's me doing a porno for Current....." #Obama not #Osama damnit! Keith Olbermann

posted by Tru 9 May 2011 20:33

Keith Olbermann Why didn't they just put you in the Stretching Machine?

posted by Bruce 9 May 2011 20:29

Duuuude, he's 6' 4'ish. Give him a book and torch and we'd have a husband for another stature person. Keith Olbermann

posted by Aria Ahrary 9 May 2011 20:22

Keith Olbermann Taller? What did they want? Paul Bunyan? Fun times!

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Host, "Olbermann" - ESPN2 11pm ET; Host - MLB on TBS Post-Season Coverage

That's right! It's promo day for the new show! First promo shoot ever in which they have needed to make me TALLER #Countdown Your photographer is @JStephensPhoto He hasn't gone crazy yet
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