Though gangster Protagonist is one of my favourite Persona scenes #P4DAN
Dropped the $3.00 on this DLC costume set. So worth it to see Kanji break it down in heels! #P4DAN
<3 #P4DAN
This game has great shipping material #P4DAN
so pretty!
so pretty!
so pretty!
I missed 2 scratch notes and I am so pissed-off! #P4DAN
Supper; baby cereal, yogurt, and tea
B20 pineapple stamp
#TMI Tried to get a picture of where the inflammation is. The lighter line is where the tori (bone growths) were chiseled off. The part at the back where the redness is near the floor of my mouth is where the bone is infected.
#TMI Tried to get a picture of where the inflammation is. The lighter line is where the tori (bone growths) were chiseled off. The part at the back where the redness is near the floor of my mouth is where the bone is infected.
Facebook reminding me that my ex's mother finally mailed me my art portfolio back 7 years ago. After asking for money every few months since 2008 to mail it back. My 2 semesters of work that was irreplaceable especially if I wanted to continue in the field. It cost $183.00 in the end--well under what was sent.

I have a feeling I'm going to have to ask for an extension or fail this course. The instructors FINALLY sent the alternative questions...but still not the templates they said they would over a week ago. I have that surgery Monday. Meaning I'll probably only be capable of working on a month long assignment for like a week depending on if I feel up to it. It's due at 4:00PM December 1ST. I still don't know if I'll have to go on IV antibiotics after since there's no way to know until the surgery. I'm so stressed-out.

I WILL have medical proof and I did inform the ANSM administrator last week about it, so HOPEFULLY I will get an extension. I know the first course allowed a resubmission on a failure so there's that too hopefully.
I thought I'd look for a little Soldier 76 figurine, and this sleep mask showed in the results. I can't even XD
this Richard James picture reminds me of a movie werewolf...
Mood slime
Mood slime

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Norémon. Whovian. Guthixian. Gamer. Vampires of V:tM & VC variety. ♥s cooking/travel/gardening~ Cats. [#EBz → L.S. Cassius]


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