Tarantino is announcing that Ennio Morricone is writing & recording an original western score
Suicide Squad #DCSDCC #SDCC2015
RT! Lo-Res TV spot for FANTASTIC FOUR which aired during the #NBAFinals Look for a hi-res version soon.
This workout for the summer is rough
Easter with My family have you hearing old school Merengue, TANGA…
Me when I see people send me audition tapes to play the new Spider-Man
Only my homie @elmayimbe would understand.
How I let some angry out after hearing shit ppl talk
Killing it on COD Advanced Warfare right now. XBOX ONE…add me me if want Kellvin007. I’ll also be on later 2nite
Chris Como and my friend @donlemon covering #Fergsuon & got hit with tear gas
@NordlingAICN my answer to that is…
Wish my right hand man @elmayimbe was at this awesome house party with me as he will appreciate this kind of music.
Project X type of party
One of the best parts of Fox’s panel at Hall H…BIZ MARKIE!!!
Biz Markie in HALL H and Channing Tatum loving it.
Guardians of the Galaxy Sneak Peek that was shown on SHIELD...Lo-res version...
Andre Iguodala took Quincy Miller's ACL! LMAO!
How I felt when I got the @Comic_Con rejection about not getting the hotels I requested
MALEFICENT TV Trailer...Lo-Res
JR Smith just took a Brooklyn Nets player ankles LMAO!!

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