Stand by Llef, plugging your #urdd website in 3... 2...
My wonderful little techy room for the Eisteddfod, mildly excited now. Awe!
Top new trend started by @dirty_boy - Thursday Desk Photo time! Needs hashtag tho
Me and Gareth Edwards (probably a relation, this is Wales), chillin with some carrot juice - mental
Just got me some promotional #Golwg360 postits!
Trek was superb, cast, lens-flare, and warp jump effect made my night! Phasers also spocking awesome.
Beca bears a clutch of magical cups - Costa is now open @ leckwith!
Office snacks, BoomShed-style... W/added sick PC being taken away, bonus!
EeePC has decided it only wants to write the letters 'aaaa', is no longer my friend
It's now summer-ish, so everything gets stripped down...
Dang, Kernow has excellent taste in sunrises - Diolch Cernyw!
Now we move onto the proper best prog, big bang theory- Voila! Sheldon as ET
Little known fact #rhydian is also Max Headroom
Suitable for everyday wear?May need a lantern or something to get the most from it
@dafwyn these were my escort, naval jets - Tornado pilots use these for target practice over Mach!
these were my escort, naval jets - Tornado pilots use these for  target practice over Mach!
Off i Ynys Mon - flying DIY airways, will dream it's the x-jet in my sleep deprived oblivion. Wish me luck!
Hmm, am I missing something with the Wolverine post credits scene?
Wolverine just finished- really enjoyable! Deadpool v scary, Logan good as ever - snikt indeed.
Lassis @ Jubo Lounge Llandaf North, excellent Thai/Indian food, lovely man, lovely place!
Coffee machine = extra sparkles on all transitions. Comes with extra  free Trucker of Husk
Revealed! Why my elbow and fingers hurt loads recently... GIANT MUG STRAIN (lock up your teabags etc.)
Another morning at BoomShed, another charity CAKE day, magic!
Wele @madeley they're like the 2001 Space Oddesy monoliths, and they're rocking my lolfa.

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