I did take pictures too, though, obviously #箕面の滝
I did take pictures too, though, obviously #箕面の滝
I did take pictures too, though, obviously #箕面の滝
Sorry guys moving here never leaving
Sorry guys moving here never leaving
At least I THINK it's milady, I've been talking to a lump of blankets for about an hour now
Kitty does not care that I'm sobbing over Catching Fire
I really need to get over my hatred of shoe shopping. Flopping sole + bags = milady no longer seen in public with me
For unknown-to-gaijin reasons, the back board doesn't get erased daily. My students enjoy this
For unknown-to-gaijin reasons, the back board doesn't get erased daily. My students enjoy this
I keep forgetting my takeout at work. This was my ingenious plan (spoiler: IT WORKED)
in case y’all think I’m exaggerating, when I say on Twitter that I am crying I AM ACTUALLY CRYING
@brunogunn what in the heck?! okay well Twitter is trying to gaslight me
I hate this conference and most of Awaji, but the crossing is very pretty
I hate this conference and most of Awaji, but the crossing is very pretty
POSITIVE THINKING: at least I'm just going to have my time wasted & severely irritated, not the Quarter Quell???
This is my nauseated, bleeding, cramping, crabby, world-despising self en route to a useless work conference
Lingered to take this photo, attracted attention of two 10yo boys who shouted HALLO & GOOD AFTERNOON from their bikes
“you hit 50k that means you’re done right? you can put this away now right?” #cats #NaNoWriMo
See that area at the back? That's the smoking section. It's open & has no door. The whole place is filled with smoke
@karenclaunch ahahahaha oh gosh look
Really though I'm just impressed I managed to run at all in these shoes. I need to buy new ones but I haaate shopping
I am preparing to watch a terrible cam version of Thor 2 because I can’t see it in Japan until it comes out in Feb

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