Just received a delivery from  @Feelwells. Can't wait to get dive into my new adult food. Nom nom. Fanks  @Alfie_BT
I can furuly recommend da beach cocktails at  @HemmaBar yumm yumm yumm
Hoomum finks dis is a pawfect Friday nite. I fink she shld cut back on da wine and da sugary tweats.
@DugsnPubs Mac desperate for a drink after a good day whizzing round portobello beach.
Having a wee cool down after chasing my frisbee & doug the BT who I met down the beach.
Hooman obv been to da joke shop. Just as well I let him have his fun!!
Hoomum did a wee run today. Doing my best impression of  @maggiemay_hem
Just chillin' on a Friday night. Now who's going to get me my beer?
I had fun chasing my frisbee at the beach today.
It's hard work being a member of the #BTPosse
I be the king of the castle.
Yes dis is a very comfy sleeping position.
Surprise visit to the seaside today and I embarrassed hoomans by piddling in the sea!
It's been a long busy weekend.
@Hester_Inkypaws we won't tell a soul. Long as u don't tell on me.
@DugsnPubs hoomans enjoying great cocktails @HemmaBar mac wondering when he's getting his!!
Was nice of hoomum to change bed sheets just for me. Much comfier dan the new bed dey bought me. Hee hee
#btposse I needs help. I have to wear bucket but no like. I go to spare room & won't budge at all. Is dis normal?
Night night all.
I do love my chicken
@KirstieMAllsopp not sure mac the BT was any help decorating our tree!
Sorry I been quiet. Not been well but now back to full strength thanks to dundas vets *wags tail* like my bald patch
My hooomans been working me too hard. Harrumph. Wanna chase birds.

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