Their pale nipples calls to me on this #TittyTuesday like the faerie folks of old Ireland.
Such fiery, passionate #TittyTuesday Reds.
With freckles, I get to play 'Connect-a-Dot' on #TittyTuesday!
Especially when there are freckles on the #TittyTuesday gal!
Redheads are my kryptonite, especially on #TittyTuesday!
I think that's it for me tonight.  Gonna save up my energy for tomorrow's #TittyTuesday !  Cya'
I have not done a Photo Album in awhile.  Hope you enjoy it!
MajorVoyeur's Photo Album: The Ladies of Craigslist (International) – 05/16/11 -
Sometimes the couch gets crowded, but I make do.
I think I will hang out on the couch awhile before eating.
Definitely Beer:30 time.  Pop a top and enjoy!
Thank Goodness the work day is done!  Time to relax.
The Bed is calling me.  More tweets tomorrow!  Cya'
Sunday Blog Post is ready now.  The Staff is spent from the effort and deserves a rest.
The Staff is stuck between a couple points on Sunday's Blog Post.  But am sure the Staff will cum through!
Too much Beer & Chili this afternoon, I had a weird dream while napping afterwards.
I think this is a good place to end for now.  Cya'
I am so ready for the Sun to return to the Arch City!
Oh well, there is always the internet!
Definitely nothing on TV of interest...
Maybe a game that involves balls & Stick...
It is such a dreary, cold day in St.Louis.  Gotta find something indoors to entertain me.
Definitely would had more fun if I had went to PP, Hustler, or the Colony.  But the road trip was necessary to my vanilla life.
Will have the Sunday Blog Post up later this evening.  Outlook on the I-70 is bleak at this time, more later...

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St. Louis, Missouri - USA

A Midwestern Man who is one of the vast majority. A voice from the gutter that keeps us focus on the truths of our sexuality.


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