@Velib merci de faire la necessaire pour ce c***** qui bloque la borne vélib Rue Miromesnil
@Velib et encore une photo. Est ce que la police peut faire qqchose?
@NikeSupport thks for that - you ll be doing it every day though, edited sessions still appear in the total.
@NikeSupport on nikeplus.com i m now missing 6 green days in jan - app say different. Please correct
@NikeSupport 2400 in sessions today, only  1200 registered on app and fband - methinks the update is "buggy"
@NikeSupport just installed the new ios8 app - my Feb 2nd score just lost 500. Was 3400
Quand j ouvre l appli, j ai des pages qui s ouvrent et ne ferment pas . On me demande sans cesse de donner mon avis sur un resto où je suis deja allé
@LaFourchetteMmm IOS 8.1.3  sur Iphone 5S 64G - pages blanches ou qui ne se ferment pas
@TheFork1 your iphone app hasnt worked for weeks. Are you aware of problems? I was a big fan, now not so much
Mystified why #Mini have released a special edition "Brick Lane" in France, & why it is orange & black???
08.30 at my usually full #vélib station. Parisiens seem to be allergic to cycling in cold, clear dry weather. Fools!
08.30 at my usually full #vélib station. Parisiens seem to be allergic to cycling in cold, clear dry weather. Fools!
Good to run into @fbcci President @boblewisfr at the Jürgen Starck briefing this morning.
Love your service, but  @Eurostar what are you thinking with the new trays at St Pancras security? #epicfail
Men's or Women's scarf? This has to stop. Far too many Frenchmen are confused about neck wear already.
@NikeSupport streak should read 650 days + and counting last year was all green . June 1st is where error is.
@NikeSupport streak should read 650 days + and counting last year was all green . June 1st is where error is.
@NikeSupport also monday jan 5th
@NikeSupport hi - just changed to a new f band, connected to nikeplus & saw some errors. Jan 1st 3467
Zebra & camel meats now on sale in my local Paris supermarket.  Never seen either in @Waitrose
This ad is a real step-up from Thora Hird. #stannah
Notaries on strike today in France, protesting at plans to reform their profession. 1 down, plenty more to go.
#putoutyourbats #63notout
Imagine being 7 years old & seeing this. Next stop Mickey Mouse! @eurostar #dreamscometrue

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