17's prom dress and shoes.
17's prom dress and shoes.
17's prom dress and shoes.
17's prom dress and shoes.
@IcyPinkLemonade @Vandamir  this red splotchiness is new. Mainly on elbows.
@IcyPinkLemonade @Vandamir like these stretch mark scars.
Staring at a partially filled pillbox trying to figure out what I forgot.
@SFSensoryWorld link broken.
And my chair too. Apparently. #catlogic
@ZAmmi and here's the girls together at a younger age.
@ZAmmi and here's the girls together at a younger age.
@ZAmmi I don't have many pics of 17, she's camera shy.
@ZAmmi I don't have many pics of 17, she's camera shy.
@ZAmmi here's 13 (Meri) hair at Thanksgiving.
@ZAmmi here's 13 (Meri) hair at Thanksgiving.
@ZAmmi here's mine chopped and died red.
@ZAmmi here's mine chopped and died red.
@ZAmmi here's mine chopped and died red.
@ZAmmi here's my hair before I chopped it all off.
@ZAmmi here's my hair before I chopped it all off.
@ZAmmi here's a few with my Tortie
@ZAmmi here's a few with my Tortie
@ZAmmi here's a few with my Tortie

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Suzanne M.

Cedar Rapids, IA

I don't march to the beat of a different drummer, I dance! Living w/ #EDS, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, best way I know how #1dayatatime.

web merilizzie.com/


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